Currently Reading

This week I'm reading the new book of...


If you love reading quotes then you should check out my book “100 Quotes That Will Change Your Life”

It’s a collection of 100 best quotes that will make you think.

Currently Reading

I’m about to finish reading Morgan Housel new book “Same As Ever”. The book is great. It’s super interesting and worth reading for everyone.

After I finish reading this book I will be reading The Anthology of Balaji by Eric Jorgenson.

Reading Tip

The best way to read more books is to read what you love. Read about the things that you’re interested in.

  • Read fiction.

  • Read non-fiction.

  • Read history.

  • Read philosophy.

  • Read biographies.

4 Million Followers!!!!

This week we hit 4 million followers on our Instagram account. I want to thank everyone who made this possible.

Thank you!!!

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